

Can't take it.
I said I could.
I can't
I really can't-

Trying to ignore it.
to let go.

Break past it, but I can't

I want to
So badly want to.
This isn't a feeling meant for me.

Can I trade it for greed?
I don't get lonely.
I don't fall to my knees-
Begging like some common girl with no will power to stand on her own.

I'm resisting the water that wants to fall.
Resisting the clenching and sinking feeling deep within.
It's not a common thing-
Though others would say it is.
Not to me,
No not to me.

This feeling that sends me to my knees.
To the floor.
Crashing on it's marble surface-
Cold, cool surface.
My nails bleed.
Bleed from my will to stand up but only able to lift half of me by my hands.
Palms sticky with sweat.
This is no endurance test.
Fallen on the floor.
Barely holding on to sanity.

Shaking legs, bleeding nails.
Nails that dig into the cool marble,
Marble that is freezing me to the core.